Creativity is the encounter of the intensively conscious human being with his world. (Rollo May)

Monday, 14 March 2011

SWOT analysis of using blogs in Teaching

I have completed the analysis but feel I feel it is more descriptive than analytical. I need more practice at SWOTTING! I have posted it as a picture because I used a framework borrowed from  which was a good guide. The analysis was interesting to me, especially the weaknesses as it is so easy to forget that the world can view and respond to the writings; and even though school projects are probably not on the `must see' list for most, we all live in a small community really and must remember to maintain professional standards and codes of conduct to ensure the safety of ourselves, our students and the communities within which we work. A lesson as teachers we will need to impart to our students; maybe as a project when we begin using the technologies in our classrooms!

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Fishbone assignment outline

Fishbone assignment outline
Click to enlarge

A gloster for class rules

Very rough Time line